Disclaimer: I do not own any of the people or places that belong to the wonderful world of Harry Potter, as they belong to J.K. Rowling. The OC (Katherine) is entirely my own.
Chapter 3: Shocking Discoveries
Katherine Dumbledore sat down in one of the plush chairs that adorned the Headmaster's office, as the Headmaster himself stood before her. Severus had followed the two to the office as well, and now occupied the far corner near the large window that overlooked the lake.
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'Severus informed me that you did not have yourself a decent meal tonight,' Albus Dumbledore stated as he eyed up the woman in front of him.
'Is Severus my keeper now?' her tone was harsh and she looked at the elder wizard before her with fire in her eyes. Severus turned and narrowed his eyes on the witch. He opened his mouth ready to retort, but the Headmaster put a hand up, stopping him.
'He is concerned about your welfare, and further more your sanity,' he looked at her over his half moon spectacles. 'Is there something bothering you, my dear?'
'No,' she said, shrugging. 'It's just that I will have to get use to all the people and the noise again. It is just a bit overwhelming, I guess.' She looked down at her lap where her hands were firmly clasped together. 'Plus, my appetite is not what it once was. I have to take it slowly getting back to the solid foods and what not.'
'Understandable,' the Headmaster began to move to his chair behind the desk. 'I have heard rumors that the State Prison only served Mush to their inmates. I guess your condition proves that rumor true. Is there anything else you wish to talk about at this time?'
'No Headmaster,' she quietly said as she stood and began walking towards the door. 'Goodnight.' And with that she slipped out the door.
'Goodnight Katherine.' Albus sighed and sat down at his desk. There was a long silence between the two wizards, but Severus watched the Headmaster's expression carefully.
'Albus,' Severus spoke quietly. 'You are positive that she has turncoat the old ways?'
'Yes, Severus. Watch her carefully though, and report to me her habits and actions. I do not want to lose her again.'
'Of course Headmaster,' Severus stated as he walked to the door. 'Goodnight.'
'Goodnight Severus.'
The first day of classes started out as normal for the students. Harry, Ron and Hermione didn't have classes with either Snape or the new Potions mistress, but they already heard the rumors from the underclassmen that she was just as bad as Snape.
'I can't believe that McGonagall made us take Potions,' Ron complained as the three made their way towards the library. 'Why are we going to the library anyway?'
'We're going to find out who this new professor truly is,' Hermione replied they found an empty table near the archives section of the library. 'Ron, I want you to start looking through the school yearbooks starting with 1980. Harry, I want you to start looking through Daily Prophet archives starting with 1990 and working your way back.'
'And what exactly are you going to be looking for?' Ron asked her testily.
'I'm going to look into Nature's Nobility, to see if I can find out if and how she is related to the Headmaster,' Hermione implied as she dropped newspapers and yearbooks in front of the boys. After about two hours, no one came up with anything about the Potions mistress. Hermione made one last attempt and pulled out two more yearbooks.
'I doubt that she can be that old; she definitely looks younger than Snape,' she stated reluctantly, as she handed the 1979 book to the boys and began paging through the 1978 yearbook herself. After several minutes Hermione let out a grasp.

'Here she is,' Hermione practically jumped out of her chair as she slid between Harry and Ron, holding out the yearbook for the boys to see. 'Look, she graduated in '78.'
'That means she graduated with Sirius, Remus and my parents,' Harry looked eagerly at the picture of a eighteen year old witch with the same blonde hair and ice blue eyes. 'What house was she in?'
'What house do you think she was Harry,' Ron said. 'Being a Dumbledore, she was obviously in Gryffindor.'
'Unfortunately Ron, you're wrong,' Hermione pointed towards the caption under the girl's seventh year picture. 'Katherine A. Dumbledore, Slytherin Prefect.'
'Slytherin!' Harry and Ron gaped and the book in front of them.

'That means she was in the same house with…with…' Ron stammered to complete his sentence.
'With Snape.' Harry finished Ron statement as he continued to stare in disbelief. 'That's how they know each other. What else does it say about her?'
'Lets see,' Hermione thumbed her way through the caption.
'Katherine A. Dumbledore, Slytherin Prefect; Quidditch Captain; Dueling Champion & Co-Captain; Member of the Slug Club.
Katherine is known to be the first female Slytherin Quidditch player, playing the position of Seeker.
She is best known for using Wronski Feint and succeeded ten times in the dive throughout her six years on the team.
She helped to win the team five Hogwarts Quidditch Cups.
'Katherine is a three time Dueling Champion in the woman's division for Hogwarts.
She placed first in the International Dueling Championship her fourth, fifth and sixth years;
and finally placing second her seventh after taking an illegal Reducto curse to the chest and breaking several bones.
'Her future career plans are unknown, but she has received a possible contract from the Holyhead Harpies for the position of Seeker.
She is also preparing to continue her studies in potions after graduation.'
'Turn to her Quidditch team pictures,' Ron blurted out as Hermione finished the summary. She flipped to the page of the Slytherin team and the three stared at the picture of the same girl flying through the air and capturing the Golden Snitch in her outstretched hand.
'Katherine Dumbledore capturing the snitch in the Quidditch Cup Championship. Helping Slytherin win 190-30 over Gryffindor.'
'Alright, lets see her dueling team pictures,' Harry told Hermione. When she reached the page of the Dueling team, their mouths fell open. The picture showed not only Katherine Dumbledore in her dueling stance, but standing next to her, in his own dueling stance, was non other than Severus Snape.
'Snape was on the dueling team?' Ron asked as he watched the two duelers in the picture change for their stances to firing spells towards the camera.
'Seventh years Severus Snape and Katherine Dumbledore helped the Hogwarts Dueling Team to win the 1978 International Dueling Team Championship
that was held in France. Snape placed first in the men's division, while Dumbledore placed second in the women's, bringing the team's winning score to 267 points.'
Hermione finished reading the caption under the picture of the witch and wizard that were now their professors.
'Well, that confirms when she went to school, but what happened to her between then and now?' Harry asked as Hermione rose from her chair and began probing through the Daily Prophet archives again, pulling out all the newspapers between 1978 and 1981 and placed them on the table in front them.
'Accio, Katherine Dumbledore,' Hermione stated as she pointed her wand towards the stack of paper. Several papers flew out into her hand as she sat back down in the chair between Ron and Harry. Harry picked up the first paper dating February 20, 1979.
'Katherine Dumbledore To Sign Contract With The Holyhead Harpies.' Harry read the title of the article then starting on the small paragraph before him.
'Katherine A. Dumbledore, 1978 Hogwarts Graduate, flew at team try-outs yesterday afternoon, proving herself worthy of
becoming Holyhead Harpies' new Seeker. The team's owner plans to have her sign the contract tomorrow,
but she will not begin her official season until January of 1982, when Meredith Glasson's contract expires and plans to retire.'

'Here's another one.' Ron grabbed a paper dated August 16, 1981. 'TWO NEW PROFESSORS ADDED TO HOGWARTS STAFF.'
'Hogwarts will be adding two new professors to the staff this coming school year.
Severus Snape, Master of Potions, will be taking over Horace Slughorn's position of Potions Professor,
while Katherine Dumbledore, Potions Mistress, will be taking over
Professor Welsh's position of Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor.'
'So she taught here before,' Hermione continued to ruffle through the newspapers that were laying on the table in front of them.
'It still doesn't explain how she is related to the Headmaster though,' Ron groaned as he leaned back in his chair and stared at the ceiling.
'No, but this might,' Hermione caught her breath as she held another paper out in front of her. 'Katherine Dumbledore Arrested.'
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'What? What's the date?' Harry asked as he peered over Hermione's shoulder to get a better look at the article.
'October 5, 1981.' Hermione took a deep breath before beginning the article.
'Katherine A. Dumbledore, niece of Hogwarts Headmaster and famous wizard, Albus Dumbledore, was arrested Saturday, October 3rd by Auror Alastor Moody,
during a Death Eater attack in Wales. Her trial is to start at 10 a.m. this morning. More to follow in the evening edition.'
Hermione finished the small article that contained the same picture of Katherine that was used in her seventh and Ron began searching for the evening edition of the Daily Prophet until they found the one their were looking for.
'KATHERINE DUMBLEDORE, DEATH EATER, SENTENCED TO LIFE IN PRISON,' Harry began to read, but stop to acknowledge the picture of the sneering blonde woman bound to a chair in front of the Wizengamot.
'Katherine A. Dumbledore, 21, was sentenced to life in prison by the Wizengamot early this morning.
Dumbledore was arrest, Saturday, October 3rd during a Death Eater attack that resulted in the murder of Benjy Fenwick.
Auror Alastor Moody was only able to arrest Dumbledore, before three other Death Eaters disapparated.
'Moody report that Fenwick was brutally killed by at least four Death Eaters, who fired a curse that blasted Benjy to pieces,
and then disposed of his remains. According to Auror Alastor Moody, after returning to the scene
in search for Benjy's body, only found 'bits of him.'
'Dumbledore's only statement during her trial was 'the Dark Lord will conquer the Wizarding world,
and those who served him well will be greatly rewarded. As for you blood-traitors and mudbloods, you will suffer his wrath.'
'After her deliberation, Dumbledore was sentenced to life in New England's Wizarding Prison in the United States,
at the request of her own uncle, Albus Dumbledore.'
'Bloody hell, a Death Eater?' Ron gaped at the newspaper that laid on the table in front of them.

'Well, obviously a former one at that. Or she wouldn't be teaching here,' Hermione exclaimed as she folded the newspaper and returned it to its' rightful spot.
'So she knows Snape more than just a classmate,' Harry leaned back in his chair trying to grasp all of the information that he just took in. 'And she's the Headmaster's niece. What would drive her to become a Death Eater though?'
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'Good question,' Hermione sat down between them again, and the three contemplated the situation at hand. 'Well, we better not dwell on this too long. We have her for double potions tomorrow afternoon.'
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'Yeah, and Snape right away in the morning,' Ron grudgingly pushed back his chair and got himself ready to go. 'It's going to be a bloody awful day.'
a/n: Thank you so much to RedStormRocks for the review. Chapter 4 probably won't be posted until Monday, due to the fact I have to work extra hours this weekend :(