That is a legitimate anti-malware app created by Malwarebytes. I'm actually responsible for that product myself, as a director at Malwarebytes.
Malwarebytes For Mac 10 6 8
Antivirus For Mac 10.6.8 free download - Panda Free Antivirus, AVG AntiVirus Free, AVG AntiVirus, and many more programs. How do I scan for malware on my Mac? Scan and remove malware for Mac Clario – Clario Technologies. Related Tags: how to remove malwarebytes from mac toolbar, malwarebytes for mac, malwarebytes free, malwarebytes for mac 10.6.8 free download, malwarebytes for mac review, malwarebytes premium, malwarebytes login, malwarebytes for mac uk. Antivirus Mac 10.6.8 free download - Comodo Antivirus for Mac, Apple Mac OS Update 9.0.4, Chili Antivirus For Mac, and many more programs. Malwarebytes for Mac is a next-gen security app, which replaces the hugely popular ‘Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for Mac.’ This fresh, new product, delivers the most powerful security possible for the Mac platform, and protects you from the most advanced (zero-day) threats, making antivirus’ obsolete.
Malwarebytes For Mac 10.6.8 Download
It's possible, if you have had service from Apple recently, that an Apple tech may have downloaded this. They will sometimes use Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for Mac to remove threats they find on Macs that come in for service. It's also entirely possible that you may have downloaded it sometime earlier this year and simply don't remember.

However, if your Mac is running OS X 10.6.8, it is incapable of running any version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for Mac, so you can delete it from your computer.

Thomas Reed
Director of Mac Offerings, Malwarebytes
May 3, 2016 9:10 AM